Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre

Wonder, Engage, Inspire

Telephone02 9457 8245

Teddy Bears Picnic

Science and Technology: Living World



This special program focuses on the needs of living things; air, water, shelter and food. Students and their teddies participate in number of activities including an earth walk, habitat games, story time and a picnic in the bush. A letter delivered to the class from Edward, the chief Teddy Bear, invites the children to bring their teddies to a picnic.

Inquiry question

What are the needs of living things?


Excursion locations

This program is offered at the following locations. Click on an image to find out more.

*Note: Excursions at Muogamarra operate in Terms 2 and 3 only.

* Note: Excursions at Davidson Park operate from 16th September to 27th September 2024

Earth walk

A bush walk that immerses students in nature through a variety of sensory activities that help develop a deeper awareness of the bushland environment. These activities include listening to the bush sounds at a magic spot, matching the colours of the bush to rainbow chips, looking at natural features through a magnifier and learning about the importance of bush foods and the Aboriginal Peoples connection to Country.

Teddy bear games

These games focus on the needs of living things: P.A.W.S.: Plants for food; Air; Water; Shelter.

The Teddy Bear Tag game reinforces P.A.W.S. Badges and teddy bear ears are handed out to the students. Each ‘bear’ needs to collect four students wearing badges, one of each of the P.A.W.S., and take them back to their ‘den’ one at a time until they have all the needs of life.

Musical trees reinforce the importance of trees in providing the needs of life. Students as native animals dance around and when the music stops every animal is required to find shelter in a ‘tree’. ‘Chainsaw Charlie’ sneakily cuts down trees until the animals stop him. The students explain the importance of trees and replant those cut down.

The old forest story and create a forest

Using a large story board, the students will be read a story about the importance of protecting the natural bushland. The story is followed by the ‘Create a Forest’ activity where students work in groups and use natural materials and plastic animals to create a model habitat for Australian animals.

Teddy bears’ picnic

Student groups with adult helpers will follow clues leading them on a trail to discover what the teddies need to survive in the bush. The route will lead them to a surprise picnic lunch spot under the trees.

NOTE: Variations to timetable based on specific location, group size and weather

Time Class A Class B Class C Class D
10.00am Acknowledgement of Country, Welcome, Overview of the day
10.20am Morning Tea
10.45am Earth walk Earth walk Teddy bear tag and musical trees Teddy bear tag and musical trees
11.35am Teddy bear tag and musical trees Teddy bear tag and musical trees Earth walk Earth walk
12.00pm Wellbeing walk to nature spot Art in nature Initiative games Shelter building
12.20pm P.A.W.S trail
12.30pm Picnic lunch
1.15pm Old Forest Story and Create a Forest
2.00pm Conclusion and depart

Download the program flyer

Excursion locations

Muogamarra Nature Reserve

Davidson Park

Bus access map

Map for access to venue will be sent with the confirmation

Please ensure you print a copy and provide to the bus driver on the morning of the excursion.


2025 DoE $20 per student - GST free

2025 Non-gov school cost $25 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750 per class 

NOTE:  National Parks entry is $1.10 per student in addition

Class numbers and size

Up to 4 classes 

Max. 23 students per class

Risk Assessments

View the sample risk assessment

A complete risk assessment will be sent upon confirmation.

Social Stories


Davidson Park - Please contact us.

Supporting resource

Student activities

What to bring

Backpack, medication, low-waste food, water bottle, sunblock, raincoat, hat, sturdy shoes, mask.

Students wear reusable name tag and sports uniform.

Students need to bring their own teddy or soft toy.

Adverse weather

On days where the weather is unsuitable (see risk assessment), a Gibberagong staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.

Medical notifications

Notify Gibberagong EEC by completing and returning the medical form before the excursion. This form will be sent out upon confirmation of booking.

Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus 


A student:

> explores the characteristics, needs and uses of living things STe-3LW-ST


Living World


  • recognise that living things have basic needs including air, food and water

  • compare the basic needs of some plants and animals

Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2017

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