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Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre

Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre

Wonder, Engage, Inspire

Telephone02 9457 8245

Geography and History

General Teaching Resources/Units

DoE Geography website – This recently updated website is a terrific resource that describes the inquiry process and provides sample teaching and learning frameworks.

DoE Geography Resources – Features the geographical toolkit, using picture books in geography, geography terminology continuum K-10.

GeogSpace offers quality primary and secondary geography resource materials for all teachers of geography. GeogSpace, an initiative of the Australian Geography Teachers Association (AGTA) supported by the resources of Education Services Australia (ESA).

HSIE Teachers – A fantastic site to locate resources for K-12 with focus on History and Geography. Created particularly for a NSW/Australian audience.

History Units – Units and resources for teachers from History Teachers Association of Australia

Picture Books

Guide to Using Picture Books in Geography K-10


Catchment Detox – Students can play an online game to learn about catchments. Created by ABC Science, CSIRO and others the site also provides resources for teaching about catchments.