Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre

Wonder, Engage, Inspire

Telephone02 9457 8245

Powerful Predators

Science and technology


The Powerful Owl is the largest of Australia’s owls and one of the most threatened local bird species.

During the program, students will learn about the features of the bird, its habitat and the significance of the local environment to its continued survival. 

The students will also gain an understanding of how they can protect the powerful owl and it’s habitat through building nest boxes.

Inquiry questions

How does the local environment support the Powerful Owl?

Powerful Owls

Using our beautifully taxidermied Powerful Owl, students will gain an understanding of the features of the bird and how natural vegetation provides habitat for both the owl and its prey.

Nestbox building

Habitat protection and creation is one of the most important features of an environment for animals, both in terms of their own nesting requirements and feeding. In small groups, the students will collaboratively build a nest box, measure its dimensions and use clues to identify the species of animal that may call it home.

Presenting findings

Students present on the nest box they have built and suggest the animal they believe would use the nest box as a shelter.

NOTE: Gibberagong staff can work within established school times on the day. Please contact the Centre to disucss.



9.30am - 11.00am Class A
11.30am-1.00pm Class B
1.30pm - 3.00pm Class C

Download the program flyer


Your school


2025 DoE $20 per student - GST free

2025 Non-gov school cost $25 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750 per class.  s. 

Risk Assessments

View the sample risk assessment

A complete risk assessment will be sent upon confirmation.


Please provide one learning space/classroom for all participating classes for the duration of the day. 

Please ensure the space has a smart board

What to bring

Backpack, medication, low-waste food, water bottle, sunblock, raincoat, hat, sturdy shoes, mask.

Students wear reusable name tag and sports uniform.

Adverse weather

On days where the weather is unsuitable (see risk assessment), a Gibberagong staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.

Medical notifications

Notify Gibberagong EEC by completing and returning the medical form before the incursion. This form will be sent out upon confirmation of booking.

Geography K-10 Syllabus 


A student:

> examines features and characteristics of places and environments GE2-1

> describes the ways people, places and environments interact GE2-2

> acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry GE2-4


Significance of environments


  • investigate the importance of natural vegetation and natural resources to the environment, animals and people, for example: (ACHGK021, ACHGK022, ACHGK024)

    - identification of types of natural vegetation e.g. forests, grasslands, deserts
    - explanation of the importance of natural vegetation to animals and the functioning of the environment e.g. provision of habitats, production of oxygen

    - discussion of the importance of natural vegetation and natural resources

Science and technology K-6 Syllabus 


A student:

> compares features and characteristics of living and non-living things ST2-4LW


Survival of living things


  • describe how living things depend on each other and the environment to survive, for example (ACSSU073)


Geography K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2015

Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2017