Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre

Wonder, Engage, Inspire

Telephone02 9457 8245

S4 Landscapes and landforms excursion

Landscapes and landforms excursion

Stage 4 Geography

The Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park of northern Sydney includes both natural and human landscapes.

During the day, students will identify and describe the features of the riverine or coastal landscape, investigate the human landscape including how the area is currently used, how it is valued by different groups and the impacts of change over time on the landscape.

Throughout the day, they will use geographical including maps, field sketches and measuring temperature, humidity, soil pH and gradient.

Inquiry questions

What are the geographical features of this area?

What geomorphic processes have created the landforms in this area? 

How do different people value landscapes and landforms?

How does the geomorphic landscape affect the biotic landscape?

How do humans use the landscape at Bobbin Head and what management strategies will help protect it?

Excursion locations

This program is offered at the following locations. Click on an image to find out more.

*Note: Excursions at Muogamarra operate in Terms 2 and 3 only.

Map study

The day commences with the students orientating themselves using a compass and topographic map. Students will be required to locate grid coordinates, estimate distance and describe the topography of the days journey.

Bush walk

During the walk, the students will explore parts of the park to identify the different ways people use and value the area. This will also provide them with an opportunity to consider what they value in this area.

Traditional sites visit

The students will visit and learn about important cultural and historical sites, including an Aboriginal engraving site to learn about the cultural value of the landscape and landforms to the traditional owners of the area.

Field sketch

The students will visit a lookout with views over the landscape. There they will be required to complete a field study sketch and cross-section to identify the landforms and describe the geomorphic processes that shape this area.

Geographical tools

The students will use a range of geographical tools to investigate the geomorphic landscape and how this affects the biotic landscape. This includes measuring temperature, humidity, soil pH and gradient.

Investigation of a human landscape

Students will learn about how the landscape has changed over time and describe the impact this has had on the landscape.

Students will list some of the human uses of the investigation area and describe how it is managed and protected.

Sample Timetable

NOTE: Variations to timetable based on specific location, number of students and weather.

Time Classes A, B Classes C, D

Acknowledgement of Country, Welcome, Overview of the day

Map study

10.20am Morning Tea

Bush walk

Traditional sites visit

Field sketch

Geographical tools


Field sketch

Geographical tools

Bush walk

Traditional sites visit

1.00pm Lunch
1.30pm Human use and management
2.00pm Conclusion and depart

Download the program flyer

Excursion locations

Bobbin Head

Kalkari to Bobbin Head

Muogamarra Nature Reserve, Cowan (Terms 2 and 3 only)

West Head

Bus access map

Map for access to venue will be sent with the confirmation

Please ensure you print a copy and provide to the bus driver on the morning of the excursion.


2025 DoE $20 per student - GST free

2025 Non-gov school cost $25 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750 per class. 

NOTE:  National Parks entry is $1.10 per student in addition

Class numbers and size

Up to 4 classes

Max. 30 students per class

Risk Assessments

View the sample risk assessment

A complete risk assessment will be sent upon confirmation

What to bring

Backpack, medication, low-waste food, water bottle, sunblock, raincoat, hat, sturdy shoes, mask.

Students wear sports uniform.

Adverse weather
On days where the weather is unsuitable (see risk assessment), a Gibberagong staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.
Medical notifications
Notify Gibberagong EEC by completing and returning the medical form before the excursion. This form will be sent out upon confirmation of booking.

Geography 7-10 Syllabus 


A student:

> locates and describes the diverse features and characetristcis of a range of places and environments GE4-1

> describes processes and influences that form and transfrom places and environments GE4-2

> examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues GE4-4

> discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability GE4-5

> acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry GE4-7


Landscapes and landforms


  • investigate different landscapes and the geomorphic processes that create distinctive landforms, for example: (ACHGK048, ACHGK050)

        - idenification of a variety of landscapes and landforms

        - explanation of geomorphic processes that create landforms eg weathering, erosion, deposition

        - examination of ONE landscape and its distinctive landforms

Value of landscapes and landforms


  • investigate the aesthetic, cultural, spiritual and economic value of landscapes and landforms for people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, for example: (ACHGK049)

        - explanantion of the aesthic value of landscapes and landforms to culture and identity

        - description of the cultural and spiritual value of landscapes and landforms in different places

Changing landscapes


  • investigate the human causes and effects of landscape degradation, for example: (ACHGK051)

        - identification of the ways that people utilise and change landscapes

        - description of the impact of a range of human activities on landscapes

Landscape management and protection


  • investigate ways people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Manage and protect landscapes, for example: (ACHGK052)

        -description of the naturer and extent of landscape protection across a range of scales eg locally protected places, national parks

        - examination of management and protection strategies for ONE landscape


Geographical tools

Maps (M) - topographic maps, maps to identify direction, scale and distance, grid reference, altitude, contour lines, gradient

Fieldwork (F) - observing, measuring, collecting and recording data, fieldwork instruments such as compasses

Visual Representation (VR) - annotated diagrams, field sketches


Geography 7-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2015

Program Resources

Landscapes and Landforms Virtual Fieldwork

This virtual excursion resource enables students to study the Landscapes and Landforms content area using West Head and surrounds as a case study. The resource includes maps, 360 images and videos that provide an opportunity for students to identify the landforms, learn more about the geomorphic processes that shaped the area and the value of the area to Aboriginal peoples.