Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre

Wonder, Engage, Inspire

Telephone02 9457 8245


Get up, Go outside

Stage 1-3

Engaging, explicit teaching videos that get your students up and outside to learn.

Add any of these as a lesson in your current teaching program.

New activities will be uploaded weekly

Earth’s Resources

Stage 1 Science and technology

Guided learning program to support the Earth and Space content area.

Inquiry Question: What are the Earth’s resources and how do we use and care for them?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to identify and explore Earth’s resources and explore ways that they can become more sustainable at home by conserving water.

Local Places

Stage 1 Geography

Guided learning program to support the Features of Places and People and Places content areas.

Inquiry Questions: What are the features of, and activities in, places?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to describe natural and built features of their place, explain how a place is special and build a nature map of their place.

Frog Lifecycles

Stage 2 Science and technology

Guided learning program to support the Living World content area.

Inquiry Questions: How can we group things? What are the similarities and differences between the lifecycles of living things?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to describe investigate the features of frogs and how they are classified. Students will then learn about frog lifecycles and design a product to inform others how to protect frogs.

Find and Germinate a Seed at Home

Stage 2 Science and technology

Guided learning program to support the Living World content area.

Inquiry Question: How do we create food and fibre products from plants and animals?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to harvest and germinate seeds from fruit, vegetables and garden plants they have a home.


Stage 2 Science and technology

Guided learning program to support the Earth and Space content area.

Inquiry Question: How do natural processes and human actions change the Earth’s surface over time?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to describe investigate what soil is, what erosion is and how we can minimise erosion in Australia.

Lets Make a Water Infusion

Stage 3 Science and Geography

Guided learning program to support the Living World content area.

Inquiry Question: Why is it important for food and/or fibre to be produced sustainably??

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to investigate how to make a water infusion using fresh ingredients from the fridge and/or garden. Students will create the water infusion, make a recipe card and then compare how healthy it is to other popular drinks.

Spotted Quolls

Stage 3 Science and technology

Guided learning program to support the Living World content area.

Inquiry Question: How do the structural and behavioural features of living things support survival?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to investigate the features of the spotted quoll, including its adaptations. Students then learn how to draw the animal and use this skill to design a product to protect this amazing animal.

Plant Adaptations

Stage 3 Science and technology

Guided learning program to support the Living World content area.

Inquiry Question: How do the structural and behavioural features of living things support survival?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to investigate the adaptations of plants with a particular focus on seed dispersal. Students will make their own rotocopter seed pod.

Your Place

Stage 3 Geography

Guided learning program to support the Factors That Shape Places content area.

Inquiry Questions: How do people and environments influence one another? How do people influence places and the management of spaces within them?

Engaging, explicit teaching lessons that enable students to follow the geographical guiding questions of What is where? Why there? Why care? to investigate the features of their local place and how they can connect and care for its special features.

Bobbin Head Through Time

Stage 1-3 History

Look through past and present photos of Bobbin Head to discover how this place has changed over time.

Each image tells the story of the development of Bobbin Head over the past 120 years to the historic picnic area that is visited by thousands of people every year.

Lessons in Nature

Curriculum-enriched teaching resources for teachers to engage students in the natural world.

EZEC Primary Resources

The Environmental and Zoo Education Centre network (EZEC) has created virtual resources for schools to support teaching and learning from home.

Designed by teachers from 25 centres across the state, there are K-6 resources available across a host of different subjects, including science, geography and wellbeing.

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