Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre

Wonder, Engage, Inspire

Telephone02 9457 8245

S5 Environmental change and management excursion

Environmental change and management excursion

Stage 5 Geography

Students will conduct a geographical inquiry into changes over time in the management and use of the intertidal wetland at Bobbin Head.

They will acquire and process geographical information to answer inquiry questions about current land use, monitoring ecosystem health, the role and importance of mangroves, biophysical processes and past, current and future management of mangrove ecosystem.

Inquiry questions

What is the role and importance of mangrove environments? 

What human-induced changes have there been to the mangroves at Bobbin Head? 

What different world-views are there about the management and use of mangroves?

How should Bobbin Head be managed into the future?

Excursion locations

This program is offered at the following location. Click on an image to find out more.

Mapping current land use

Students will use their observations and a topographic map to locate areas of human activity within Bobbin Head and pinpoint this location using area and grid reference.

Monitoring intertidal health

Using a variety of geographical tools, including kestrel and light meters, students will measure and record various biophysical aspects of the intertidal wetland and make a judgment on the health of the area.

Biophysical processes

Students will learn about the role and importance of the mangroves and crabs before investigating the biophysical processes that occur during a crab transect activity. 

Natural and human processes

A field sketch of the Cowan Creek will enable students to record and annotate the natural and human processes that have shaped this area.

Land use and management

Students will gather data on current uses and attitudes towards mangroves and propose future management strategies.

Changing perspectives over time

Students will compare photographs from the 1930 with observations of the mangrove forest today to deduct how world-views and management of mangroves has changed over time.

NOTE: Variations to timetable based on specific location, group size and weather

Time Class A Class B Class C Class D
10.00am Acknowledgement of Country, Welcome, Overview of the day
10.10am Mapping current land use
10.30am Morning Tea
10.50am Monitoring intertidal health Land use and management

Mangrove forests

Biophysical processes

Natural and human processes

Land use and management

Monitoring intertidal health Natural and human processes

Mangrove forests

Biophysical processes


Mangrove forests

Biophysical processes

Natural and human processes Monitoring intertidal health Land use and management
12.50pm Natural and human processes

Mangrove forests

Biophysical processes

Land use and management Monitoring intertidal health
1.30pm Lunch
2.00pm Conclusion and depart

Download the program flyer

Excursion locations Bobbin Head
Bus access map

Map for access to venue will be sent with the confirmation

Please ensure you print a copy and provide to the bus driver on the morning of the excursion.


2025 DoE $20 per student - GST free

2025 Non-gov school cost $25 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750 per class. 

NOTE:  National Parks entry is $1.10 per student in addition

Class numbers and size

Up to 4 classes

Max. 30 students per class

Risk Assessments

View the sample risk assessment

A complete risk assessment will be sent upon confirmation

What to bring

Backpack, medication, low-waste food, water bottle, sunblock, raincoat, hat, sturdy shoes, mask.

Students wear sports uniform.

Adverse weather
On days where the weather is unsuitable (see risk assessment), a Gibberagong staff member will contact the organising teacher to discuss alternative arrangments.
Medical notifications
Notify Gibberagong EEC by completing and returning the medical form before the excursion. This form will be sent out upon confirmation of booking.

Geography 7-10 Syllabus 


A student:

> demonstrates an understanding that places and environments change GE5-2

> explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments GE5-3

> recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues GE5-4

> explores management of places and environments GE5-5

> collects and uses geographical information for inquiry GE5-7

> communicates geographical information GE5-8




  • investigate the role and importance of natural environments, for example:

        - identification of the function of natural environments in supporting life

Environmental change


  • investigate human-induced environmental changes across a range of scales, for example: (ACHGK070)

        - brief examination of types, and extent, of environmental change

Environmental management


  • investigate environmental management, including different worldviews and the management approaches of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, for example: (ACHGK071, ACHGK072)


Geographical tools

Maps (M) - topographic maps, maps to identify direction, scale and distance, grid reference, altitude, contour lines, gradient

Fieldwork (F) - observing, measuring, collecting and recording data, fieldwork instruments

Visual Representation (VR) - annotated diagrams, field sketches


Geography 7-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2015